При помощи программы можно получать следующую информацию о сайте: кол-во посетителей, какие именно странички каждый посетитель смотрел, дату и время посещения, какие ссылки нажимал, какие слова набирал в системе поиска для того чтобы найти сайт и по какой ссылке он попал на сайт.
и если я не ошибаюсь - эта прога работает верно исключительно под локальным сервером)
а как это исправить?
Вот сама программа:
# Matt Kruse
print "Content-type: text/html\\n\\n";
$tail = $ENV{\'QUERY_STRING\'};
$tail = $tail || 250;
# Location of the log file in Extended Log Format
$log = "/etc/httpd/logs/mkruse-access_log";
# Local domain name to cut out of referer info
$local = "
# -------------------------
sub ReadLog {
open (LOG,"tail -$tail $LOG |") || print "ERROR: Couldn\'t open the log file: $LOG";
LOGLOOP: while (
) {
push (@badlines,$_);
($page) = ($request =~ m|[^\\/]*(\\S*)|);
next if ($page =~ /\\.gif/); # skip the gifs
# get all the time info
($date,$month,$year,$hour,$min,$sec) = ($when =~ m|(..)/(...)/..(..)..)..)..)|o);
$month = $MONTHS{$month};
$datestamp = $year . $month . $date . $hour . $min;
unless ($first{$site}) { $first{$site} = $datestamp; }
$datestring = "${month}/${date}\\ \\;${hour}:${min}";
$from =~ s|$local||;
# Record the browser info
$agent{$site} = $agent;
# Update the array for site
$line = join("|",$datestring,$page,$status,$bytes,$from);
sub search_words {
return if ($found);
my($name) = shift;
my($url) = shift;
my($string) = shift;
$old_from = $from;
if (($from =~ /$url/i) && ($from =~ /[\\?\\&]$string\\=/)) {
$from =~ s|.*[\\?\\&]$string=([^\\&]*).*|$1|;
$from =~ s|\\+| |g;
$from =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$from = "$name: $from";
$old_from = "[Q] ";
$from = $old_from . $from;
print <<"END";
Access Analysis
if ($lineerrors > 0) {
print <<"END";
$lineerrors lines were ignored. Are you sure your log file is in the Extended Log Format?
An ELF entry looks like this example:
host.domain.com - - [10/Jul/1999:12:34:56 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2376 "http://referer.com" "Browser Name"
The following lines were ignored:
foreach (@badlines) {
print "$_
print "
print <<"END";
foreach $site (sort {$first{$b} <=> $first{$a}} keys %sessions) {
print <<"END";
$site - $agent{$site}
Date |
Page |
Status |
Referer |
foreach (@{$sessions{$site}}) {
($date,$page,$status,$bytes,$from) = split(/\\|/,$_);
# Search keywords
if ($from =~ /\\?/) { # Query results?
&search_words("AOL Search","netfind.aol.com","search");
&search_words("AOL Search","netfind.aol.com/search.gw","s");
&search_words("AltaVista @ Telia.com","altavista.telia.com","q");
&search_words("Yahoo (Non-USA)", "yahoo." , "p");
&search_words("Inference Find","inference.com","query");
&search_words("Highway 61","highway61.com","string");
&search_words("Yellow Pages","altavista.yellowpages.com.au","q");
&search_words("Ask Jeeves","askjeeves.com","ask");
&search_words("Ask Jeeves","askjeeves.com","MetaTopic");
&search_words("Excite at Netscape","excitesearch.netscape.com","search");
&search_words("Excite at Netscape","excitesearch.netscape.com","s");
&search_words("HotMail Email Message","hotmail.com","");
&search_words("Ask Jeeves","ask.com","ask");
&search_words("Excite (UK)","excite.co.uk","search");
# &search_words("","","");
# &search_words("","","");
unless ($found) {
if ($from =~ /^http/) {
$from = "$from";
elsif ($from =~ /^http/) {
$from = "$from";
# Modify based on content-type
if ($page =~ /\\.zip$/) {
$page = "" . $page . "";
if ($page =~ /\\.jpg$/) {
$page = "" . $page ."";
if ( ($status !~ /^2/) && ($status !~ /^304/) ) {
$status = "$status";
print <<"END";
$date |
$page |
$status |
$from |
print "