Forum Webscript.Ru

Наши скрипты => Sanitarium WebLoG => Тема начата: Гость от 07 Января 2003, 09:28:02

Название: Помогите бьюсь уже 5 часов толку мало.
Отправлено: Гость от 07 Января 2003, 09:28:02
Установил, сетап запустил в админ интерфейс зашел А вот дальше засада.
При попытке создать новую категорию или еще что получается ссылка
в место
Где я напортачил?
Название: Помогите бьюсь уже 5 часов толку мало.
Отправлено: NAS от 07 Января 2003, 12:22:49
В конфиге, проверяй все пути.
Название: Помогите бьюсь уже 5 часов толку мало.
Отправлено: Гость от 07 Января 2003, 19:02:39
Проверял. Все наместе вот как это выглядит:

# Sanitarium WebLoG: web publish system.............................#
# Author: Green Kakadu (WebScript.Ru Network) ......................#
# Email: .......................................#
# WWW: .........................................#
# Copyright 2002 WebScript.Ru Network ( ).......#
# All Rights Reserved. .............................................#


#Site name, eq $site_title=\'WebScript.Ru - SuperSite!\';

#Not Found Page - visitors view this page if required page not found
#Example: $not_found=\'\';
#You must create this page - script only redirect to it, not create!

#URL Your WebLoG Main Index Page
#Example: $index_url=\'\';

#Sendmail - ask your hosting-provider
#Most popular sendmail paths: /usr/lib/sendmail, /usr/sbin/sendmail

#Administrator E-mail address
#Example: $admin_mail=\'\';
$admin_mail=\'\';#! Change this!


# The extension to use for your pages:
# html, htm, shtml, php - only small letters!
#Example: $ext=\'htm\';

# The name of an index file (with extention!)
# Tip: using small letters!
#Example: $index_page=\'index.html\'; (or: \'index.shtml\', \'main.html\', \'index.php\')

#Generate Static pages or generate dynamically
#Our recommendations  Static Pages, it minimizes your server busy
# Use static pages: $static_pages=1;
# Use dynamic generate pages: $static_pages=0;

#Using emoticons?
# On: $use_emoticons=1;
# If On, emoticons like :) :-) :-( replacing to special images - very pretty!

#AutoLink Option?
# If On ($autolink=1;) then text in article text
# will be replaced by href:
#WARNING: you must cerefull with this option!

#Using Quick HTML Tools?
#Our recomendations: On ($qhtml=1;)
#Adding HTML in articles more simple now!

#Using Fozzy Code Snippets? (add-on from Fozzy the Bear)
# JavaScript Tables Generator (for article content) and image inserpt with caption
#Our recomendations: As you Like (Green Kakadu: Fozzy - CoooL Bear!)

#Number of article\'s previews per index pages
#Our recommendations: 10-15
#Example: $entry_per_page=10;

#Number of comments per page
#Our recommendations: 15-20
#Example: $coms_per_page=15;

#Premoderate comments?
#If On, all new comments publish after admin validation
#If Off, new comments publish immediately
#Our recommendations: On
# On: $premoderate=1;
# Off: $premoderate=0;
#Emailing about new comments post?

# You  need to use flock(). If your system doesn\'t support it, Win95/Win98,
# then off this at your own risk!
#Our recommendations: On !!!!
# On: $use_flock=1; Use it!
# Off: $use_flock=0;

#Allow Public searching?
#Size special index database ~20% of your all entires!
#Our recommendations: as you like
#Example: $use_search=1;


#Time localization:
# Example:
# $GMT=\'+3\'; Moscow
# $GMT=\'-9\'; New York
# and so...
# $GMT=\'\'; GMT

#Time format:
#$time_view=1; time format: dd/mm/yyyy (by default)
#$time_view=2; time format: dd MON yyyy
#$time_view=3; time format: WEEKDAY DAY MON yyyy
#$time_view=4; time format: WDAY DAY NON yyyy hour:min:sec
#$time_view=5; time format:
#$time_view=6; time format: mm.dd.yyyy

#_______RSS - Rich Summary Site

#Our recommendations: 5-10
#Example: $how_news=7;

#Build in .txt files?
#In this case news will be print into *.js (JavaScript) files, and
# *.txt (for SSI or PHP include) files
#Our recomendations: on, if you like SSI or PHP

# Public PATH and URL of Pages (and weblog index page) to be built. No Trailing Slash.
# $public_dir=\'/HTTP/www/public_html/ezine\';
# $public_url=\'\';


# PATH and URL of Admin CGI directory. No Trailing Slash.
#Store there: admin.cgi,, cfg.cfg, Comment_WL, upload.cgi,
# com_admin.cgi and script data.
# Other Files: view.cgi, comments.cgi input in top dir or something else (eq into: /HTTP/www/cgi-bin/sanitarium)

#view.cgi url
#Example: $view_cgi_url=\'\';

#admin.cgi URL
#Example: $script_admin=\'\';

#com_admin.cgi URL:
#Example: $comadmin_cgi_url=\'\';

#comments.cgi URL:
#Example: $comment_url=\'\';

#upload.cgi URL:

# OTHER Non-interesting (or interesting?) for you options:
$data=$dir.\'/data\';#path to dir with script BDs
$tmpl_dir=$dir.\'/template\';   #path to dir with templates
$img_url=$public_url.\'/img\'; #Url to dir with uploaded images
$img_dir=$public_dir.\'/img\'; #Path to dir for file uploading
$foto_url=$public_url.\'/foto\';#Url to authors foto\'s dir
$foto_dir=$public_dir.\'/foto\';#Path to author\'s foto dir
$mail_cgi_url=$view_cgi_url;#Script Url for email articles

Название: Помогите бьюсь уже 5 часов толку мало.
Отправлено: NAS от 08 Января 2003, 09:34:28
#admin.cgi URL
#Example: $script_admin=\'\';

Вот тут.