Помоги настроить, я наверное что-то напутала... (особенно с учетом, что правила несколько раз) ... Или может я с правами что-то напутала... В общем, посмотрите, пожалуйста.
Настройки (кстати, автоматическая настройка у мну отказалась работать... на хостинге рбк):
# Sad But True ........................................................#
# Author: Green Kakadu (WebScript.Ru Network) .........................#
# Email:
gnezdo@webscript.ru ..........................................#
# WWW:
http://webscript.ru ............................................#
# Copyright 2001 WebScript.Ru Network (
http://webscript.ru )..........#
# All Rights Reserved. ................................................#
# File name: sbt.cfg - Sad But True Config.............................#
#Dirs and Urls.........................................................
$script_path="/HTTP/WWW/cgi-bin/sbt";#path to SadButTrue,eg: /home/mysite/cgi-bin/sbt No Trailing Slash!
#In This Directory: view.cgi, vote.cgi, arc.cgi
http://bibl-mobl.ru/cgi-bin/sbt";#url to SadButTrue directory
http://bibl-mobl.ru/dot.gif";#url to image for graph bilding
# You really need to use flock(). However if your system doesn\'t support it (Win95),
# then turn this off at your own risk! $use_flock=1; - on, $use_flock=0; - off
$ip_check=10; #how ips check?
#If use $check_poll:
#How long cookies live?
# "10d" - ten days "6d" - six days and so...
# "2M" - two months, "5M" - five months
# "12h" - 12hours
# "6y" - six years
# "5m" - 5 minutes
#If $use_javascript=0 than use SSI include (by default);
@poll_row = ("quest", "answers", "vote", "ip", "polldate", "template", "total");#main records of poll data file
$nonpub_path="$script_path/admin";#path of admin.cgi, utils.pl, FastTemplate.pl, sbt.cfg.
#No Trailing Slash!
$tmpl_dir="$nonpub_path/template";#path of template directory
$nonpub_url="$script_url/admin";#url of admin directory
$arch_dir="$nonpub_path/data";#path of archive data. No Trailing Slash!
$arcfile="$arch_dir/archive.txt";#file with archive data
$polldate="$arch_dir/polldata.txt";#file with poll data
$admin_url="$nonpub_url/admin.cgi";#URL of admin script
$url_arc_script="$script_url/arc.cgi";#URL of archive script arch.cgi
$view_url="$script_url/view.cgi";#URL of view.cgi script
$vote_url="$script_url/vote.cgi";#URL of vote.cgi